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What is Laniakea?

Laniakea is a Composer package for building small-to-medium APIs with the Laravel Framework.

It supports API versioning, automatic resource filtering and sorting, and helps you manage model relationships. It also provides a simple form generator for your API resources.

Primary features

API Resources

The main feature of Laniakea is API resources. A resource is a combination of an Eloquent model, HTTP requests and controllers, a repository, and a set of rules for filtering, sorting, and managing Eloquent relationships (the Resource class itself).

For example, you can create a resource for the User model and define rules to:

  • Filter by the name and email fields;
  • Include the posts and avatar relationships;
  • Sort by the id and registered_at fields.


namespace App\Resources;

use App\Resources\Filters\UserEmailFilter;
use App\Resources\Filters\UserNameFilter;
use Laniakea\Resources\Interfaces\ResourceFilterInterface;
use Laniakea\Resources\Interfaces\ResourceInterface;
use Laniakea\Resources\Interfaces\ResourceSorterInterface;
use Laniakea\Resources\Sorters\ColumnSorter;
use Laniakea\Resources\Sorters\VirtualColumnSorter;

class UsersResource implements ResourceInterface
     * Get available resource filters list.
     * @return array<string, ResourceFilterInterface|string>
    public function getFilters(): array
        return [
            'name' => new UserNameFilter(),
            'email' => new UserEmailFilter(),

     * Get available inclusions list.
     * @return array<string, string[]>
    public function getInclusions(): array
        return [
            'posts' => ['posts'],
            'posts.comments' => ['posts.comments'],
            'avatar' => ['media'],

     * Get available sorters list.
     * @return array<string, ResourceSorterInterface>
    public function getSorters(): array
        return [
            'id' => new ColumnSorter(),
            'registered_at' => new VirtualColumnSorter('created_at'),

When combined with other Laniakea features, you can create a full-featured API for your User model with just a few lines of code.


Laniakea provides simple repositories for listing, creating, updating, and deleting Eloquent models. It also supports class-based criteria for filtering purposes.



namespace App\Repositories;

use App\Models\User;
use Laniakea\Repositories\AbstractRepository;
use Laniakea\Repositories\Criteria\ExactValueCriterion;
use Laniakea\Repositories\Interfaces\RepositoryQueryBuilderInterface;

class UsersRepository extends AbstractRepository
     * Get repository model class name.
     * @return string
    protected function getModel(): string
        return User::class;

    public function getUserByEmail(string $email): ?User
        return $this->first(fn (RepositoryQueryBuilderInterface $query) => $query->addCriteria([
            new ExactValueCriterion('email', $email),

All repository methods that retrieve data (list, paginate, first, etc.) support custom callbacks, allowing you to easily filter results, sort, load relations, and, of course, access the underlying Eloquent query builder interface.

Model Settings

If your application requires heavy use of custom per-model settings (such as user preferences, application settings, etc.), Laniakea can assist you with that. It provides a straightforward method for storing, updating, and retrieving settings for your Eloquent models.

The model settings system is based on PHP's backed enums and attributes. For example, a simple settings enum might look like this:



namespace App\Settings;

use App\Enums\NotificationType;
use Laniakea\Settings\Types\BooleanSetting;
use Laniakea\Settings\Types\EnumArraySetting;
use Laniakea\Settings\Types\NullableStringSetting;

enum UserSetting: string
    // Simple boolean setting, disabled by default.
    case DARK_MODE_ENABLED = 'dark_mode_enabled';

    // Setting that supports multiple values from a given enum,
    // with few selected cases by default.
    ], NotificationType::class)]
    case ENABLED_NOTIFICATIONS = 'enabled_notifications';

    // Nullable string setting with null value by default.
    case EMAIL_SIGNATURE = 'email_signature';

Laniakea also provides Model Settings Decorators for easy access to settings in your code.


Additionally, Laniakea offers a simple form generator. While it's a backend-only feature (it does not provide any frontend-specific tools), it can be used to structure your forms in PHP and then integrate them into your preferred frontend solution.


Although it's not really a feature, Laniakea provides a set of exceptions that you can utilize in your application. They are designed to offer more detailed information about what went wrong during API request processing with a consistent JSON structure.

How is it different from other CRUD packages?

Probably not much. There are many feature-rich packages and admin panels that solve the same or similar problems.

Laniakea started as a small personal project and has evolved enough to be shared with the community.

What Laniakea is not?

Firstly, it doesn't provide any UI. It's a backend package, and you need to build your own frontend.

Additionally, it's worth mentioning that Laniakea is not an admin panel in any way. It's a set of tools that you can use to build one, or simply use it for building APIs.

What does "Laniakea" mean?

According to Wikipedia, Laniakea is a supercluster of galaxies that includes the Milky Way, our own galaxy, along with 100,000 other galaxies.

I chose to name this package "Laniakea" because it encompasses a variety of features that could be published as separate packages, akin to a "super" cluster of features.

Not humble, I know.